Saturday, April 24, 2010

Could anyone help diagnose this?

At first, I thought my current symptoms may have to do with my PTSD ( post traumatic stress disorder ) or my recent transition to college, but without insurance, I cannot do much as they worsen.


Nausea/ Vomitting after eating


Cold sweats




Stomach aches

Mild congestion

These have been occuring for about a month now. I cannot find any plausible link or cause. I just wish I knew what I was dealing with.

Could anyone help diagnose this?
If you've had fever for a month, you have to see a doctor, however you can. You could have all sorts of infections or other inflammatory diseases. No one here can narrow that down for you, even if they pretend they can. Check with your county's health department. Does your college have a student health service? Whether the right place for you to go in your community is a low-cost clinic or free care through the county or your school, you're risking getting very ill unless you see a doctor about this.
Reply:I am no doctor.. but it sounds like poisoning.. Lead? how old is the house you live in? Ecoli? Water source questionable?
Reply:Not likely to be PTSD causing it, you'd know if it was.

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