Saturday, April 24, 2010

Medical question?

Why do you think that when I go outside on lower temperatures, not necessary freezing, my members get really cold(fingers, toes mostly) and I get a cold sweat on my palms and rest of my body?

Could this be related to a blood circulation problem or a hormon disorder?

I would appreciate an answer from professionals or from anybody who has had similar experiences.

Thank you!!!

Medical question?
I have a condition called Raynaud's disease. It's a condition where my extremities, specifically hands, nose and feet get painfully cold and slightly change color, even in if it's not cold outside, or I am inside, I keep my place pretty warm during winter months (75 degrees)....that might be's a site I recommend:

that might be it...I'd ask a doctor though...

Good Luck!
Reply:My mom is 55 and she has been dealing with that issue also, primarily during the winter months. She went to the doctor a week ago and they were checking her for circulation problems and asking her to check and see if her feet were doing it also. Her labs havent came back yet but they are treating her for circulation issues. Good Luck!!!
Reply:This problem is due to the blood circulation can not reach your peripherals, this needs to be checked for the reason. If u are diabetic patient, so start by controlling your glucose blood level. Anyhow u can start with vit. B12 (1000U) injections, this will improve your case.
Reply:I'm certainly not a Doc. But here's my take. You should wear under clothes that wick away heat and sweat. Check out cold weather clothes on the net. Wear a hat and plan to layer your clothes.

Some companies have a new wool fiber that will wick perspiration before the moisture makes you cold.

If all else fails Make an appointment to your Doc.

peacock plant

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