Thursday, May 7, 2009

Help? Do I have a Sleep Disorder?

This happens to me once every week for a couple of minutes, and it makes me scare to fall back to sleep. When I'm sleeping, I can SENSE IT coming and when it does happen--I lay in bed half-asleep/half-awake struggling to wake myself up. I can feel my mouth shivering, and my thoart dried up, my body sweating. Of course I can see and I can hear, I just can't move or scream. And when I do wake up from it I automatically fall back to sleep and the same thing repeats.

Do I have a sleeping disorder or a Incubus? Or a mental problem? Just started happening about a month ago...

Help? Do I have a Sleep Disorder?
It's called sleep paralysis. I had it a few times when I was younger, but eventually it stopped happening to me. It's very scary. In addition to the symptoms you describe some people feel another presence in the room with them. I used to get that symptom too. You should probably go see a doc if it keeps happening, maybe they can help you, but at least now you know what it is and that it happens to other people too. Good luck.
Reply:what is happing to you is poor circulation so you have to do more exercising and this should help and when i was young we used to call that (devil on your back) because correct me if i'm wrong but it is also hard to breath
Reply:yeah I used to have the same problem, sleep paralysis.

Its when you are really asleep, so your brain shuts down your muscles (so you dont move when you are dreaming)

but actually you are still semi awake, so you get these weird sensations, think you are paralysed or being abducted by aliens, heh

anyway, it does go away by itself eventually.

Try sleeping in different positions.

Try not eating within a few hours of going to bed. It can effect your bloodflow, and might make a difference.

Dont have alcohol before bed.

Do you snore ? you might not think so, but ask someone else to check... certain brain checmicals can get imbalanced when you snore. Or if you have sleep apnea (stop breathing when asleep occasionally)

If so... again..try changing sleep position.... side, back or front.. or wear a nose strip to aid breathing, or have a humidifier near your bed

Otherwise see a doctor.

good luck
Reply:Possibly a mental disorder. add details to this explaining what it is that you can sense.

listen to jon he has a very good answer

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