Thursday, May 7, 2009

Is there harm in excessive sweating from taking anti-depressant?

I am beside myself with something I can't win? I noticed that since I've taken an anti-depressant to balance my moods %26amp; seasonal affective disorder during the winter blahs with short time of sunshine, over a year now that I sweat more since the last 2 months. Does this mean I now have to cut back on salt %26amp; sugar in foods? Ain't looking forward to eating bland foods with no flavor from sugar and salt ---however if my health is threatened by salt %26amp; sugar, then I have no choice eh---'bummer"...(head hangs low with a long face)...Any ideas??

Anxious to hear kind replies and honest n' brief explaination, please..THANKS!

Is there harm in excessive sweating from taking anti-depressant?
Sweating is a possible side effect from antidepressants. i have noticed that Effexor seems to be the worst, though other SSRIs can do it too. It does not cause any harm, it is just annoying and you have to decide if the benefit of the medication is worth the hassle. I don't think salt and sugar have anything to do with it.
Reply:You really don't have anything to worry's a common side effect...especially in lexapro if that's what you're taking...I don't think changing your diet will really make a difference....the good news is that if you are ever in a place where you can stop taking the meds the sweating will stop...good luck!
Reply:Have you told your doctor? That medicine might not be right for you or the dosage too high/low. But it could mean something entirely different, not about the medication but something else going on with you.

check with your doctor please!
Reply:See S.A.D., at and read the whole of section 2: use 2 teaspoonsful of cod liver oil, daily, (many prefer 4 cod liver oil capsules: strong tasting oil!!!) and light therapy, and taper off the medications slowly, with medical advice as to how many weeks to take. I'd use the other core treatments as well, with the exception of CBT, or other talk therapy: YOU KNOW THE CAUSE, AND TREATMENT!!!. In the meantime, use more herbs and spices, chilli, and sweet 'n' sour, and curries, low salt soy sauce, combined with a "no salt" potassium chloride salt substitute (salt is sodium chloride). In the summer months: switch to Omega 3 fish oil supplements, to avoid overdosing on Vitamin D.

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