Thursday, May 7, 2009

Symptoms of a heart attack... ?

On Thursday (2 days ago), I mixed up cement all day, manually. And I started to get these pains in my left chest and my arm. Well, this ulitimately sent me into a panic attack. Well the last 2 days the pain has stayed and stayed there. Its not constant, its more like stabbing pain. When I bend over and turn to the right, it hurts even more. But its right on the left side of my chest. To be more specific, right under my left nipple. And it my arm its my tricep and forearm that hurts. I dont know if I'm having a heart attack or my chest just hurts cause I pulled muscles mixing the cement. And everywhere I read it says that this can be a heart attack. But my heart rate is at like 85-95. And whenever I burp or sneeze it hurts more. And it didnt start hurting again today until 15 minutes after I woke up. I also have anxiety disorder so I have all the other symptoms like sweating, nausea, and that. So I dont know if I'm having a heart attack, or pulled muscles with anxiety?

Symptoms of a heart attack... ?
It sounds like pulled or tight muscles. They can refer pain to nearby parts. I get referred pain from chest to arm pretty often when I overdo it. I think a heart attack doesn't last that long, and you'd probably have some sense that it's more than a muscle.
Reply:It sounds like it could have been a heat attack, but the pain wouldn't continue to my knowledge. I would go see a doctor
Reply:It sounds like you have strained muscles from your cement mixing.

The fact that it hurts more when the muscles move (sneezing and coughing) supports that.

If it is of great concern to you go to the ER
Reply:First Swetting,right-side heart pain. Normally doctors saying that

Midnight(11.30-12.30) earlymorning (2.30-3.30) morning (8 to 9) evening (3.30 to 4.30) times we will affect by heart-attack. I have got many experiences while the patients were attacked by the heart-attack. The patients were my father, friends also.
Reply:If you are in the U.K. go to the 'Accident and Emergency' (A %26amp; E) of your local hospital and consult a doctor.

If you are in the UK, call NHS Direct 0845 46 47 available 24 hours and consult them (

Furthermore, visit your GP on Monday morning.
Reply:Go to the doctor, it could be a heart attack. You wouldnt want to take any chances.


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