Thursday, May 7, 2009

What disorder could this be, or relate to??

I was wondering what some of your thoughts are on this.

What kind of disorder would you categorize a person under, with the following symptoms?

-Fear while in large crowds

-Fear of being sick in public

-Fear of being judged and criticized by people

-Fear that people are talking negatively about them

-Fear of rejection, or hatred by peers

-Hate being looked at by people, and associates that with rejection or negative thoughts about them.

-Low self image

-Uncomfortable around new people, or strangers.

-Afraid of saying something stupid in front of a lot of people

-Afraid of embarrassing themselves, physically or verbally

-Afraid of relationships (person is 21, and never having had a romantic relationship)

-Shaking, trembling, sweating, dry mouth, fast heart rate, and heavy breathing when doing any kind of public speaking.

-Turning down invites to hang out with friends because of other people they don’t know will be present.

-Feeling trapped and cannot leave

What disorder could this be, or relate to??
Social anxiety...a classic case of it. Well, maybe even an extreme case of it. Definately should try to get yourself or friend some help. If it's hypothetical, thank God! Good luck to your endeavors.
Reply:social anxiety- definately
Reply:why do you have to give yourself a disorder? don't you have enough stuff to deal with? it's called being human with low self esteem. you are trying to work your way toward an anxiety disorder w/panic attacks. I would suggest you start working on building self confidence and working through these negative 'tapes' that repeat themselves all day long in your head. Check out the book Self Matters by Dr. Phil and really work through it - do the exercises - get a therapist if you need to help guide you along and whatnot.

My other suggestion would be to go to and start creating goals -find a supportive community - get your life headed in the right direction. - it made a difference in mine
Reply:it may be just a low self esteem problem but schizophrenia has many of the same symptoms such as social isolation, delusions, hallucinations, and emotional blunting
Reply:It could be as simple as an Anxiety Disorder, but if someone is experiencing this magnitude of emotions, he/she should really consider seeing a psychologist or therapist. A professional should be able to properly diagnose the problem and the appropriate therapy.

I am a Psychology major, but I have a son who is severly bipolar, and I work with special needs children. Good luck and stay positive...
Reply:Any combination of Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Agoraphobia. I would say predominantly Social Anxiety Disorder though. These are pretty classic symptoms. There are meds such as Effexor that help with this disorder.

If you know someone with these symptoms, they really should talk to their doctor. It is often overlooked as shyness, but can be very debilitating for people who suffer from it, and there are treatments that help. Cognitive Behavioural therapy in addition to meds, can do wonders.


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