Thursday, May 7, 2009

Self help for social anxiety and social phobia?

I'm almost positive I have what is described as a Social Anxiety disorder. I have all the symptoms including excessive sweating,blushing, and worry in social situations, especially around new people. I used to abuse alcohol very frequently and it would help me get over this situation, now I am going to seek help from a professional. My question to you guys is, do you know any techniques I could practice at home to eliminate this extreme social anxiety/phobia?.

Self help for social anxiety and social phobia?
You can't just sit at home and eliminate it. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and I HATE going out into crowded stores, busy places, etc... this is truly self help. You have to put yourself in that position and try to work through the problems as they arise. I am on anxiety meds, but it still doesn't work somedays. I go to a crowded mall and just breath deep and tell myself that everything will be okay... confidence is everything! Good luck and I wish you the best!
Reply:i have exactly what you have and what I'm trying is focus on one thing at a time of the disorder and work on it till you feel it doesn't bother you like i go to public places and just walk round relaxing and just going over in my head that people and looking at you and walk with your head up, Ive only just started doing this as Ive just found out about it i heard a way to help get rid of fears is a physical way of flooding example. if your afraid of spiders go in a room with them till you release theres nothing to worry about hope this helps
Reply:Get the book the Journey by Brandon Bays. There is a reason why that happens to you from something that happened to you in this life or in a past life. The book teaches one how to overcome all these phobias and even physical and other emotional problems. Good stuff. Hope you try it.
Reply:Surprise. You actually put the answer inside your question; "alcohol....would help me get over this situation..."

Everyone wants to "get over", get beyond, get around, or get under stuff. Never hear anyone that wants to "just live through all the stuff, both the good and bad stuff". Think of when you were six. You lived through lots of stuff; kids taking your toys, parents paddling your behind, and all the scraped knees. And you "lived through".

Buckle up your bravery, show yourself that you actually can "get through", and then (the most important) pat yourself on the back for doing it (hopefully without any hurt knees). Practice, practice, practice!

Believe it or not, it's folks like you that actually make the very best public speakers. Why? Because you guys learn, learn, and then learn some more about how to think, listen, and speak in public even when it doesn't come naturally.

And what may I ask does come naturally? Sorry to tell you that most of life is about plain hard work....but I'm sure that you can do it. You must do it. My ancestors came over the ocean from Europe, suffered terrible diseases, crossed raging rivers, climbed snowcovered mountains and built a country....shouldn't I honor their courage by making my life count too?

The world needs folks like you, that are scared of stuff but learn to do it anyway. We call them heroes.



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